City life hasn't changed me yet.. Surprisingly. I'm loving it so far I don't think anythings better than watching My Niece once a week, and being able to eat with any of my brothers whenever I want. I just got a Roommate, Mary, we used to work together three or four summers ago at 4-H camp.
On a side note I take my State Boards to become a esthetician in a few weeks, I'm so nervous!!!Just a little more time and I'll be licensed. I can't wait I have so much I want to accomplish once It happens. : ) all smiles.
Well I can't think of much to really update in here.... So I'll just come back in a few days. But I will end with a quote
"Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live."
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Life summed up.
Man have I been slacking or what!!! I haven't updated my blog in MONTHS. I've Been so busy with my life lately that I haven't had a chance to do anything!!! I guess I can start with I GRADUATED FROM AVEDA. I know it was only 5 months, but I finished it all the way through. Not to mention I meet some pretty amazing people I hope I never lose contact with...
Liz & Christa... I don't think you two know how much you saved me, not with just putting up with my young self all the time. But teaching me to appreciate what I have and always being able to give me some amazing advice, and great laughs. I know you both are going to do amazing with what lies ahead, & Liz I'm so excited for you and you're family!! I know this is what you've wanted for a long time, and I better hear the noise every step of the way.
Before I graduated from school I became extremely homesick.. I don't know what it was maybe the fact it was the summer and everyone was home for college, or just my life was leading me in another direction and you can't stop where you're supposed to be. I don't think people end up in your life for just any reason.
When I first came home I was in one of my best friends weddings. Small weddings in the country cannot get better than the Jordan-Howell wedding besides the heat. It was the HOTTEST day in July I believe the heat index was 120! But being on the water and having the pool open can just tell you how the party went. haha
Thats the Beautiful Mrs. Jordan
I've had the chance to really have an amazing summer. I've enjoyed every minute since I've graduated I haven't had a summer in four years due to working at a summer camp. But since this was the first year I wasn't working there I decided to go back and visit. While I was there kids ran up to me and asked my why I wasn't teaching swimming and etc. Tears came to my eyes and I couldn't handle it. I decided the only way to fix that was to volunteer a week. So I luckily asked right in time and was able to come with my own county! It was exactly what I needed and I had a great time with the kids and staying in a cabin as an Adult which I haven't done since I was kid!
I also got the privilege of being the Maid of Honor in my best friends wedding at the end of August. It was the most beautiful wedding I have ever been too! It was in Pennsylvania at a vineyard called Cherry Valley. I had a blast!!! Kimberlee looked so beautiful as a bride!

She was breath taking. Not to mention my Godson looked so handsome as soon as I saw him I started crying. He has grown up so much since I last saw him in May! I cannot believe he's going to be TWO YEARS OLD on Oct. 13th!

He's adorable I just can't get over it.
I've also been loving every minute of being able to hang out with some of the closest friends I've ever had. It's so funny how you can meet someone and just know you need them in your life... I've felt like I've grown up with Bekah and maybe in a way we did grow up together because our love for life is the same. I don't know what I would've done this last year without her. She's honestly become the closest person to me. I love spending time with her and her beautiful girl who's in the terrible two stage right now buttttttt we won't discuss that!!! Hahaha!I wish their was a way to describe how you care for someone, but no words come to mind to describe what her and RayRay have given me in the last year... maybe like this....
Maybe that describes a day in our lives.
( i said terrible two's...)
The people I've meet these last few months have really changed my life and have made everyday so much better and they always give me something to look forward to even if it's just another Friday night....
Emily, I really won't take our moments together for granted. I miss you so much since you've been gone and it's like been only a few weeks... & you can barely keep yourself together... :( I'm really sad Christmas is so far away cause I need you in my lifeeeeeeee!

what words cannot describe.
My beautiful Niece is now 8 MONTHS OLD! I can't even describe where the time has gone... I am excited that I'm going to be moving to Richmond and how much time I'll be able to spend with my niece! She's gotten such a personality it's amazing!

My redheaded girl <3
Well the next step in life is MOVING TO RICHMOND by October. It's a lot harder than what I thought. I'm so excited for my new job which is working at the Hilton Spa. I'm so excited to start my next chapter in life. I promise to update my blog more. Maybe once a week! My life should become a little but more scheduled soon. <3
Liz & Christa... I don't think you two know how much you saved me, not with just putting up with my young self all the time. But teaching me to appreciate what I have and always being able to give me some amazing advice, and great laughs. I know you both are going to do amazing with what lies ahead, & Liz I'm so excited for you and you're family!! I know this is what you've wanted for a long time, and I better hear the noise every step of the way.
Before I graduated from school I became extremely homesick.. I don't know what it was maybe the fact it was the summer and everyone was home for college, or just my life was leading me in another direction and you can't stop where you're supposed to be. I don't think people end up in your life for just any reason.
When I first came home I was in one of my best friends weddings. Small weddings in the country cannot get better than the Jordan-Howell wedding besides the heat. It was the HOTTEST day in July I believe the heat index was 120! But being on the water and having the pool open can just tell you how the party went. haha

Thats the Beautiful Mrs. Jordan
I've had the chance to really have an amazing summer. I've enjoyed every minute since I've graduated I haven't had a summer in four years due to working at a summer camp. But since this was the first year I wasn't working there I decided to go back and visit. While I was there kids ran up to me and asked my why I wasn't teaching swimming and etc. Tears came to my eyes and I couldn't handle it. I decided the only way to fix that was to volunteer a week. So I luckily asked right in time and was able to come with my own county! It was exactly what I needed and I had a great time with the kids and staying in a cabin as an Adult which I haven't done since I was kid!
I also got the privilege of being the Maid of Honor in my best friends wedding at the end of August. It was the most beautiful wedding I have ever been too! It was in Pennsylvania at a vineyard called Cherry Valley. I had a blast!!! Kimberlee looked so beautiful as a bride!

She was breath taking. Not to mention my Godson looked so handsome as soon as I saw him I started crying. He has grown up so much since I last saw him in May! I cannot believe he's going to be TWO YEARS OLD on Oct. 13th!

He's adorable I just can't get over it.
I've also been loving every minute of being able to hang out with some of the closest friends I've ever had. It's so funny how you can meet someone and just know you need them in your life... I've felt like I've grown up with Bekah and maybe in a way we did grow up together because our love for life is the same. I don't know what I would've done this last year without her. She's honestly become the closest person to me. I love spending time with her and her beautiful girl who's in the terrible two stage right now buttttttt we won't discuss that!!! Hahaha!I wish their was a way to describe how you care for someone, but no words come to mind to describe what her and RayRay have given me in the last year... maybe like this....
Maybe that describes a day in our lives.

The people I've meet these last few months have really changed my life and have made everyday so much better and they always give me something to look forward to even if it's just another Friday night....
Emily, I really won't take our moments together for granted. I miss you so much since you've been gone and it's like been only a few weeks... & you can barely keep yourself together... :( I'm really sad Christmas is so far away cause I need you in my lifeeeeeeee!

what words cannot describe.
My beautiful Niece is now 8 MONTHS OLD! I can't even describe where the time has gone... I am excited that I'm going to be moving to Richmond and how much time I'll be able to spend with my niece! She's gotten such a personality it's amazing!

My redheaded girl <3
Well the next step in life is MOVING TO RICHMOND by October. It's a lot harder than what I thought. I'm so excited for my new job which is working at the Hilton Spa. I'm so excited to start my next chapter in life. I promise to update my blog more. Maybe once a week! My life should become a little but more scheduled soon. <3
Monday, May 17, 2010
Way to be to Busy.
Well there is so much change going on in my life I feel CRAZY. I only have 9 weeks left of school! HOW INSANE IS THAT. I feel like it was just yesterday when it started. I've made so many friends in school(Thank God)! I'm on the floor now taking clients. So if you need any services CALL MEEE! I really miss home... I surprised mom for mothers day by just showing up really late on friday night after the long drive home. I was talking to her on the phone while i was driving home and she had no idea wondering where I was on my way to I just said a friends house lol. I got home around Midnight and I said mom I'm home just like I usually do when I come in late and she was SHOCKED. I can't believe she actually thought I would miss mothers day. I will be coming home next weekend also for Faye's Bridal Shower. I think it's been that long that I haven't even mentioned she's Engaged to Stephen now. I had the pleasure of being there for the engagement!!!! It was perfect as it can get. They're wedding date is July 24th. And then the next weekend on the 28th I'm flying to PA to visit Kimberlee for her Bridal shower and Bachelorette party. I'm so excited. I really like the Charlotte area, but I think I will be moving back to VA after this. Like to Richmond... or somewhere in that general area. I don't think I can live without my family anymore lol! I'm such a child but that's okay.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Big Changes!
I'm so excited! I can't believe tomorrow will be my first day of school! I heard back from buckle, but they never called with my start date or anything! So I decided to apply to some places that are closer, and in mean time concentrate on school and be broke. Lovelyyy. On the other note. i had an amazing weekend with some amazingggg people who came and visited. I got to discover Charlotte a little more. It's so much easier when you have people here with you so you're not out just walking by yourself lol. We took some amazing pictures as well. 
I love all of them soo much. this kinda reminds me of the Beatles picture on Abby Rd. Well we walked past Time Warner Arena and i loved this view so of course i took a picture.
I can't wait for schoool ( :
I love all of them soo much. this kinda reminds me of the Beatles picture on Abby Rd. Well we walked past Time Warner Arena and i loved this view so of course i took a picture.
I can't wait for schoool ( :
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Here it is... Valentine's day and I'm sitting watching movies. Not that anything is wrong with that. But I had an amazing morning with my best friend and now that he's left I feel like there is a huge part of me still missing from Gloucester... Yes, that would consist of all my family, friends, co-workers, and my doggy. You know the saying goes you don't realize what you have until it's gone... it's the biggest truth I've ever heard. Since it was so late we watched half of the movie Up and feel asleep. Saturday was such a special day... the first day I had to share the city with anyone. We finished watching Up. (I love that movie actually I think I love all children movies.) We got ready and went on our mission to the mall.. Whoa was it crowded and busy busy. We watched Valentine's Day which I thought was great. We headed to PETSMART. Where I got the best Valentine's present ever!!!!
I got DUG my Beta Fish!!!! Isn't he beautiful!!! I'm now not alone anymore lol! We got home and made an amazing dinner but in all the pictures he's the one that looks like he's doing it all haha. But we all know the truth lol! So this morning we woke up late because we stayed up late with the dinner we finally ate at 11! And since the ride home is 5-6 hours without traffic we knew we didn't have a lot of time together today so we walked around the city and had lunch and then went on a 20 minute Carriage ride around the city! So much fun, I loved it. Truly felt like the princess which I am. ( ; but once we got home it was that time that he had to head home. Goodbye's for me are always a bittersweet. It's so hard for me... because not only did it mean he was leaving it meant I was missing everyone at home just as much... I can't wait till school starts, or I start working and making friends. Then everything might be a little bit easier. But then again I don't want to make new friends.. I want my friend's here with me. I'm selfish and impatient... But I'm all of these things for a reason. ♥ Just typical Hannah I guess.
Downtown Charlotte, @ the modern art building
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Soundtrack of my Life...
I saw this on one of my friends blogs and I thought it was super amazing. So I decided to get about 40 songs to describe me. Most of these songs have a big meaning in my life... : ) Enjoyyy!
Something Like That. Tim McGraw
Have You Ever. Brandy
Lean On Me. Bill Withers
Summer Girls. LFO
Wide Open Spaces. Dixie Chicks
100 Years. Five for Fighting
A Thousand Miles. Vanessa Carlton
Spiderwebs. No Doubt
Goodbye to You. Michelle Branch
She's Country. Jason Aldean
Where is the Love. Black eyed peas
I drove all night. Celine Dion
The Boys of Summer. The Ataris (<3 This was that summer Rest In Peace Mac)
Until the Day I Die. Story of the Year
The Reason. Hoobastank
Not Ready To Make Nice. Dixie Chicks
If I Ain't got you. Alicia Keys
There Goes My Life. Kenny Chesney
Only One. Yellowcard
You and I both. Jason Mraz
Since You've Been Gone. Kelly Clarkson
Don't Blink. Kenny Chesney
Mr. Brightside. The Killers
My Humps. Black Eyed Peas
What hurts the most. Rascal Flatts
Ain't No Other Man. Christina Aguliera
White House. Vanessa Carlton
How to Safe a life. The Fray
You and Me. Lifehouse
Big Girls Don't Cry. Fergie
Say it Right. Nelly Furtado
Don't stop Believing. Journey
Make Damn Sure. Taking Back Sunday
All My Life. KC & JoJo
I don't wanna miss a thing. Aerosmith
Tiny Dancer. Elton John
Our Song. Taylor Swift
Should've Said No. Taylor Swift
Then. Brad Paisley
Live Like You're Dying. Tim McGraw
Life is a Highway. Rascal Flatts
Gravity. Sara Bareilles
Something Like That. Tim McGraw
Have You Ever. Brandy
Lean On Me. Bill Withers
Summer Girls. LFO
Wide Open Spaces. Dixie Chicks
100 Years. Five for Fighting
A Thousand Miles. Vanessa Carlton
Spiderwebs. No Doubt
Goodbye to You. Michelle Branch
She's Country. Jason Aldean
Where is the Love. Black eyed peas
I drove all night. Celine Dion
The Boys of Summer. The Ataris (<3 This was that summer Rest In Peace Mac)
Until the Day I Die. Story of the Year
The Reason. Hoobastank
Not Ready To Make Nice. Dixie Chicks
If I Ain't got you. Alicia Keys
There Goes My Life. Kenny Chesney
Only One. Yellowcard
You and I both. Jason Mraz
Since You've Been Gone. Kelly Clarkson
Don't Blink. Kenny Chesney
Mr. Brightside. The Killers
My Humps. Black Eyed Peas
What hurts the most. Rascal Flatts
Ain't No Other Man. Christina Aguliera
White House. Vanessa Carlton
How to Safe a life. The Fray
You and Me. Lifehouse
Big Girls Don't Cry. Fergie
Say it Right. Nelly Furtado
Don't stop Believing. Journey
Make Damn Sure. Taking Back Sunday
All My Life. KC & JoJo
I don't wanna miss a thing. Aerosmith
Tiny Dancer. Elton John
Our Song. Taylor Swift
Should've Said No. Taylor Swift
Then. Brad Paisley
Live Like You're Dying. Tim McGraw
Life is a Highway. Rascal Flatts
Gravity. Sara Bareilles
Monday, February 8, 2010
Well... Silly Me
I haven't even mention Roman Thomas Cowley at all... He's the only man who will Never let me down, and will always love me. On October 13 2008 my Best friend Kimberlee gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and decided to make me the Godmother and our best friend Andre the Godfather. What's so funny about his name is her boyfriend at the time... Now finance... loved the name Roman and she didn't like it.... hardly at all! Until I came and visited and I said how much I liked the name... well guess what as soon as I said that she said the name started to grow on her! HA. She's an amazing women and such a wonderful mother. She's one of the people I look up too... and she's a year younger than me.... : ) Well I've decided that I'm going to uploaded pictures of him because he really is the most beautiful baby boy ever.

Little Model!

that's right he's a smarty pants!

An Amazing Smile.

yes, he could be a model.

Beach Babe!

Birthday Boy!!!!

He's so Handsome!!!!

Big Boy Playing in the Snow!!!
I love this little Man more than anything!!!!!

Little Model!

that's right he's a smarty pants!

An Amazing Smile.

yes, he could be a model.

Beach Babe!

Birthday Boy!!!!

He's so Handsome!!!!

Big Boy Playing in the Snow!!!
I love this little Man more than anything!!!!!
Settling In... Finally
I've been moved in now a week and two days! I really like the apartment, it's so open it's got a big homey feeling to it... I also love the view from the bay windows.
I've traveled around a city a little bit not to much. It's hard when you're by yourself it's not like you can go out to dinner lol unless you like to eat by yourself but ummm not me haha. I can't wait till I make friends at school, work, or people coming to visit so I'm able to go out and about lol. I have a interview tomorrow at Buckle. Yesssss to discountssssss. : ) Thursday night I got a call from Tara ( my cousin) who just found out she's pregnant. I couldn't believe it!!!! She's been trying for 7 years and has also had 2 in vitro treatments. Without her even trying she's about 6 weeks Pregnant!!! So many good things are happening to me and the people around me. God's little blessings are filling the world. It makes you remember that no matter what's going on in the world these little things mean just as much as something major. I'm really excited that I decided to move and be on my own. Just within these few weeks I've mature so much. I do miss my family and being at home and my surroundings. I especially miss Porter... My chocolate lab. : ).. I think this distance is really making the heart grow found and it's actually making me closer to more people than I could imagine. New friendships will be made, and more will be strengthened. I can't wait to valentine's day. Erasmo is coming to visit!!!! I went grocery shopping today and got food to cook for this weekend. So excited I'm cooking my favorite thing ever....! Which is going to be a surprise!!!!!!!
Friday, January 22, 2010
ups & downs
On Wed. morning I had surgery. Which was a breeze! I was so happy to get those tonsilis outta there! lol They've been driving me crazy for the last 21 years of my life. So the whole opperation went well and I was home that night and I was eating food doing great. Well every 4 hours I was to take my pain medication and after eating pudding, popsicles, and mac and cheese I started to just get sick and sick. So I decided to not eat anymore thinking it was the milk in the pudding. Well the next morning I had a popsicle and mom made me an egg. I took my meds all through the night like I was supposed to... well I got sick again. and again. and again. I then realized I'm not taking anymore of the pain meds. EW. a couple of hours later I decided to eat some applesauce and it finally stayed down! So no more pain meds for me! I'm just on Children's Tylenol because it's liquid. But what funny is that it's painful to swollow but it's nothing like the last time when I had strep. It was more painful then, and it was harder to breath. So this really is a blessing and I'm hoping for a speedy recovery. One Week left till moving... I still can't believe it. On the bad note Aunt Karen passed away on Monday night. She has been suffering through a horrible disease and I can only thank God, for putting her out of the misery that she didn't deserve. I can only Imagine her now with her family and friends and Grommy in Heaven. Tonight is the wake and tomorrow is the funeral. Please have lots of prayers for my family and my Uncle Bill.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
It's almost here!
I think it just hit me...I'M MOVING TO ANOTHER STATE IN LESS THAN TWO WEEKS! I'm so full of mixed emotions I don't know where to start! I'm so excited and I can't wait, but then again I'm going to be 6 hours away from everyone I love, on my own. Someone told me that being excited and nervous are the same feeling, it's just how you react to the emotions. I just rekindled so much in my life and I feel like I recieved closure that I needed... But is it enough for me to move on? I at least feel at ease knowing I don't have to hide my feelings anymore from that person and that they know exactly how I feel about the whole situation and I'm just glad a new friendship can be made out of what we went through. On a good note Kensi is doing so much better!
I can't believe I'm an Aunt to a healthy little girl. She's now weighting 4 lbs and 14 ounces!! She's gaining weight!!! She was in the hospitial on friday because she caught a bad cold, and at her weight and size it could've been very bad. But she's better now and at home. She has a Doctor's appointment tomorrow and I can't wait to hear what they have to say next.
I have two days left at the spa... I can't believe it. These girls have been my family for the last year and half.
I can't believe you could get that close to that many girls. But I was wrong.. I mean yeah there was days I couldnt stand sometimes. But when ever I needed anything they were right there for me. I will Miss all of this so much while I'm gone... ♥

I have two days left at the spa... I can't believe it. These girls have been my family for the last year and half.

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