Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Welcome to the City

City life hasn't changed me yet.. Surprisingly. I'm loving it so far I don't think anythings better than watching My Niece once a week, and being able to eat with any of my brothers whenever I want. I just got a Roommate, Mary, we used to work together three or four summers ago at 4-H camp.

On a side note I take my State Boards to become a esthetician in a few weeks, I'm so nervous!!!Just a little more time and I'll be licensed. I can't wait I have so much I want to accomplish once It happens. : ) all smiles.

Well I can't think of much to really update in here.... So I'll just come back in a few days. But I will end with a quote

"Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live."