The hardest part is being 4 hours away from the ones I love. It's very hard when emergency's arise in the family, that's the only thing I hate about the distance. My brother Tabb was in a horrible accident this past Thursday and I really just want to let him know How MUCH I love him and How LUCKY I am to have a big brother like him... I have to admit it was very hard growing up with Three Older brothers, especially when it came to 'Meeting the Boyfriends' or When I had my First Kiss. Let me just tell you they never let me live that stuff down. But
whenever their was a time I needed them for being picked on at school, or just for a ride they all were there even if they didn't want to be. Tabb and I grew up closest in age since we were only 3 years apart and he really was there for me through High School and helped me make the right decisions, I will always thank him for who helped me become. Even if we don't always know what's going on in each other lives we just pick up where we left off and I know if I ever needed him for ANYTHING he'd be there for me in a flash no matter the obstacle he had to take. Growing up I always wanted a sister, but thank God for letting me be the only girl! I don't know how I would handle sharing MY clothes and make-up. But I'm so thankful for the Family I have and all of my brothers. Even if we fight or bicker I'm still glad I have them in my life and I don't want that to ever change.
I love these 4 people more than anything!